Sunday, April 28, 2013

IQuest Update

Nothing new has really happened in my world of iQuest this past week. I'm still working on playing the bass and I finally had some inspiration to write a song. Other than that I've just been practicing techniques that my voice teacher has taught me to build up my song writing and bass/guitar playing.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What Been Happening

Only one big thing has changed these past couple of weeks and that is I quit my job at the clinic. Things weren't really working out there anymore so this week is actually my last week. Dr. Dowd asked if I wanted to still come in every now and again to observe surgeries so I will still get some experience until the end of the semester. I actually got to watch a declawing and spaying this past Thursday which was really cool and interesting. Other than that everything is the same as its been. I have had a hard time coming up with different musical ideas but I'm sure I'll get some inspiration soon !